CoolSculpting® is a noninvasive procedure designed to eliminate those stubborn pockets of fat around your belly. At Viva Wellness Medical Group in San Diego, California, Dr. Michael Tachuk is highly experienced in customizing treatment plans using CoolSculpting technology to slim you down without a single incision or a minute of downtime.

Why you have stubborn belly fat

You may be surprised to learn that you’re born with the number of fat cells you’ll carry through life. When you gain or lose weight, those same fat cells just expand or shrink. So with a good diet and exercise plan, you can lose a lot of weight and get a lot of those fat cells to shrink. This part you can control.

However, as you get older, your body changes how it distributes and stores fat cells in your body. This part, unfortunately, you can’t control. As you age, your body often stores fat in your belly, upper arms, thighs, and around your waist, and often, this fat isn’t affected by diet and exercise.

This is the fat that CoolSculpting targets. If you’ve lost all the weight that is possible through diet and exercise, but you still have stubborn pockets of fat that won’t go away, CoolSculpting can help. This isn’t a treatment for obesity, and it isn’t a treatment for overall weight loss, but if you want to shed those last few pounds, CoolSculpting can get you the body you want.

The science of CoolSculpting technology

CoolSculpting uses cryolipolysis, a fat-freezing technology that destroys stubborn fat cells. Once the cells are destroyed, they can no longer store fat inside. The CoolSculpting system uses a handheld applicator to target fat cells. That means there are no incisions and no risk of infection.

Dr. Tachuk places the applicator over the stubborn pockets of fat, and the applicator adheres to your body and delivers the cold energy to the fat cells.

Throughout your treatment, you can sit back and relax while CoolSculpting does the work. When your treatment is complete, Dr. Tachuk enhances your results by massaging the treated area to break up the affected fat cells.

Achieving your aesthetic goals

The treated fat cells will continue to break down in the weeks after your CoolSculpting treatment. As the fat cells die off, your body will eliminate them naturally as waste, and no new fat cells will replace them. They’ll be gone forever.

In just one treatment, you can reduce up to 25% of fat cells in the treated area. Within three months, you should notice a significant slimming of the treated area, and your results will be long-lasting if you keep following a good diet and exercise plan.

The many advantages of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is an ideal alternative to liposuction and other surgical fat removal procedures. If you’re not ready for such a surgery, Dr. Tachuk can customize a CoolSculpting plan to slim your body and help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

In addition to being effective at eliminating unwanted fat on your belly, arms, and thighs, Dr. Tachuk can also use the CoolSculpting system to safely treat stubborn fat under the chin that can give a double-chin appearance.

Other advantages of CoolSculpting treatments include:

  • No incisions
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Fast treatment time
  • Minimal risk for side effects

Many people are able to achieve their desired results in just one treatment. Dr. Tachuk can determine how many CoolSculpting treatments you may need based on your goals and the size of the area you’re treating.

If you want to see if CoolSculpting can help slim down your belly and thighs, book an appointment online or over the phone with us today.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 3434 Midway Drive, Suite 2007
    San Diego, CA 92110
  • Email:
  • Call Us: (619) 222-5433
  • Working hours:

    Monday – Friday: 11AM – 6PM
    Saturday: 10AM – 3PM
    Sunday: Closed

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