You can’t stop time from marching on, but you can slow down and minimize its effects on your skin. The best way to keep your skin looking young for as long as possible is to start early and follow a diligent skin care program your whole life.

However, if you’ve skipped a few beats in your skin care regimen over the years, all is not lost. In San Diego, California, Dr. Michael Tachuk and our team at Viva Wellness Medical Group can help you reverse the effects of aging and give you tips, tricks, and treatments to refresh your skin and restore its youthful contours.

Here, Dr. Tachuk explains the virtues of dermal fillers and how they can become a valuable addition to your skin care routine.

How aging affects your skin

Your skin’s most powerful foe is the sun. Ultraviolet rays penetrate skin layers and damage your cells and DNA. Other factors contribute to skin health and degradation as well, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices — so the effects differ from person to person.

But aging is the one factor everyone shares, and it does a number on your skin. The changes aren’t just in your imagination; they’re scientific facts. Here’s what happens to your skin over time:

  • The epidermis (outer layer) thins
  • Pigment cells (melanocytes) decrease
  • The remaining melanocytes increase in size
  • Age spots appear as melanocytes clump together
  • Elastin decreases, and skin becomes delicate, brittle, and leathery
  • Collagen decreases, and skin loses its structure and contours
  • Blood vessels break and show through the skin’s surface
  • Oil production wanes
  • Subcutaneous fat diminishes

That’s a daunting list of negatives, but the good news is that you can counteract many of those consequences with innovative treatments.

How to fight the signs of skin aging

In addition to sun protection and a sound at-home skin care routine, there’s a lot you can do to repair the inevitable effects of growing older. Our anti-aging specialists here at Viva Wellness Medical Group offer several treatments that address a wide range of skin issues, including:

  • Chemical peels to remove the outer layers of skin
  • Ultherapy to tighten skin and stimulate collagen production
  • Botox® to smooth dynamic wrinkles
  • Infini RF microneedling to boost collagen and elastin
  • PRP facial or facelift to trigger your skin’s self-healing properties
  • PDO thread lifts to anchor your skin without surgery

We also provide a full spectrum of dermal fillers to revitalize your skin and restore its softness, resilience, and youthful contours. Here’s how they work.

The benefit of dermal fillers

Injectable dermal fillers are one of the most popular anti-aging treatments among women and men of all ages, second only to neurotoxin treatments such as Botox. Every year, almost 4 million people opt for soft-tissue fillers to de-wrinkle their skin.

Each brand of filler and the individual formulas within each line contain different ingredients and offer distinct benefits. We help you choose the right dermal filler for your needs and determine the injection’s precise location and depth to give you the most natural-looking results.

Dr. Tachuk’s extensive medical experience enables him to carefully navigate your facial anatomy and direct the injection at the appropriate depth for the finest results. Dermal fillers do what your current skin care routine can’t. Here are just a few of their benefits:

  • Plump up your skin
  • Replace lost volume
  • Restore the contours of your cheeks, chin, and nose
  • Reduce jowls
  • Diminish acne scars
  • Fade chin dimpling
  • Smooth tear trough lines
  • Soften folds around your nose and mouth
  • Reduce vertical “lipstick lines” around lips

In short, dermal fillers give a liquid face-lift requiring no surgery and no downtime. Your face looks younger, smoother, and more symmetrical after spending just a few minutes with Dr. Tachuk.

Your new anti-aging routine

Dermal fillers are safe, FDA-approved, and versatile, and they’re a perfect addition to your skin care routine. We use a variety of brands, including Juvéderm, Restylane, Boletero, Radiesse, and Sculptra, enabling us to precisely address your aesthetic goals.

Each formula has a unique composition — some excel at lip plumping, others at cheek contouring and wrinkle smoothing. The effects last 6-24 months, but results vary depending on your anatomy, activity level, genetics, and the product.

You can come in for a touch-up anytime you need it, which is why we recommend dermal fillers as part of your overall skin care plan. You can also couple your dermal filler treatment with Botox, a powerful neurotoxin that address a different type of wrinkle that dermal fillers don’t — dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle contractions such as smiling and frowning.

We’ve got you covered. Add dermal fillers to your skin care regimen by calling our office or booking an appointment online. Dr. Tachuk assesses your skin, listens to your goals, and designs a customized dermal filler plan just for you.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us anytime for questions, support, or assistance. We're here to help you with any inquiries you have.

  • Address: 3434 Midway Drive, Suite 2007
    San Diego, CA 92110
  • Email:
  • Call Us: (619) 222-5433
  • Working hours:

    Monday – Friday: 11AM – 6PM
    Saturday: 10AM – 3PM
    Sunday: Closed

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